
Fishbowl Conversation: AI Impacting Production and Creative Workflows

Hosted by Creative Europe Desk Italy MEDIA in collaboration with the Creative Europe Desks Denmark, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden and the Netherlands
02 September 2023 - 12:00 to 13:30
Venice Immersive Island, Spazio Incontri Immersivo
Accreditation pass holders and Venice Immersive subscription holders

Keynote: Mads Damsbo (Makropol)

Guest Speakers: 
  • Michele Ziegler (Managing Director, NewImgaes),
  • Astrid Kahmke (Head of European Creators Lab),
  • Kirsty Van der Plas (Producer, Immersive Tech Week)

A networking cocktail will follow.

Venice Immersive Island (Lazzaretto Vecchio), Spazio Incontri Immersivo (Panel Area)