The online Industry Guide is the VPB main online tool for Industry Gold and Trade accredited delegates within which it is possible to find all the information about film professionals who will be attending the Venice Production Bridge.


The Guide is completely dedicated to VPB participants and contains the publication of the company data and all the necessary information regarding the production companies, distribution companies, literary agencies and all the VPB events participants.


The access to the online Industry Guide is reserved to Gold and Trade accreditation holders who will be able to purchase of the services offered by the Venice Production Bridge and the Venice Production Bridge Programme and Market Screenings Schedule 2024.


In addition, Gold and Trade industry accreditation gives exclusive access to the booking of 1-to-1 meetings with the publishers and agents selected for the Book Adaptation Rights Market (BARM) , the projects selected for the Venice Gap-Financing Market (VGFM) and Final Cut in Venice (FCV), the streamers invited for Meet the Streamers (MTS). You can check the brochure of this programmes before to learn more about their books (BARM) and films (VGFM and FCV).

Gold and Trade accreditation gives also the possibility to see all selected films of the Venice International Film Festival, the access to the projects of the Venice Immersive section at Isola del Lazzaretto Vecchio (Venice Immersive Island);


Check the Industry accreditation dedicated site to discover all the benefits of Gold and Trade accreditation.