
Presentation of the Immersive Projects of the Venice Gap-Financing Market

Hosted by the Venice Production Bridge
01 September 2023 - 10:00 to 13:00
Venice Immersive Island, Spazio Incontri Immersivo and online on the VPB Live Channel
Accreditation pass holders and Venice Immersive subscription holders
  • Michel Reilhac (Programmer consultant to the Artistic Director of the 80. VIFF with specific reference to the Venice Immersive and Head of Studies, Biennale College Cinema and College Cinema – Immersive)
  • Liz Rosenthal (Programmer consultant to the Artistic Director of the 80. VIFF with specific reference to the Venice Immersive, XR Executive Producer, Founder & CEO of Power to the Pixel)
Venice Immersive Island, Spazio Incontri Immersivo and online on the VPB Live Channel