Panel and Cocktail

Presentation of the New Report by Film i Väst Analysis: Public Film at a Crossroads II and Networking Cocktail

Hosted by Film i Väst and the Venice Production Bridge
01 September 2023 - 16:30 to 19:30
Hotel Excelsior, Spazio Incontri
Accreditations and public

Presentation of the Report: Tomas Eskilsson (Head of Film i Väst Analysis and author of the report)

The presentation is followed by a panel discussion.

Moderator: Philippe Reynaert (General Manager, Xanadu)

  • Joanna Szymanska (Board Member of the European Film Academy and Producer, Appetite Production & Shipsboy)
  • Jean-Yves Roubin (CEO, Frakas)
  • Thomas Robsahm (Producer, Nordisk Film Norway and Amarcord)

The presentation of the New Report - All That is Solid Melts Into Air is followed by a cocktail at the Terazza Dei Fiori. All participants at the event is welcome to join the cocktail.

Hotel Excelsior, Spazio Incontri