
The Vanguard of Immersive Creativity: The World Builders

Hosted by the Venice Production Bridge
02 September 2023 - 15:00 to 16:30
Venice Immersive Island, Spazio Incontri Immersivo
Accreditation pass holders and Venice Immersive subscription holders

Moderator: Liz Rosenthal (Programmer consultant to the Artistic Director of the 80 Venice International Film Festival with specific reference to the Venice Immersive, Founder & CEO of Power to the Pixel)

  • Fins (Worldbuilder, 3D Artist, VRChat), 
  • Mike Murdock (Art Director, VRChat),
  • Alina Mikhaleva (Events Lead, Engage XR), 
  • David McDermott (Head of Studio, Engage XR), 
  • Michael Salmon (Producer, VRChat Worlds Gallery, Venice Immersive, Founder/Creative Director Glitch, Altered Realities)
Venice Immersive Island (Lazzaretto Vecchio), Spazio Incontri Immersivo (Panel Area)