
Driving Forces and Integrations of Future Content Industry in Taiwan

Hosted by TAICCA – Taiwan Creative Content Agency 
04 September 2023 - 14:00 to 15:30
Venice Immersive Island, Spazio Incontri Immersivo
Accreditation pass holders and Venice Immersive subscription holders

TAICCA will host an engaging panel focusing on co-production opportunities for future content with Taiwan. The panel will feature 6 distinguished speakers from various professional backgrounds, including future content creation, immersive venues, immersive tech services, curation, and distribution. We cordially invite you to join us for this insightful discussion!


Moderator: Jimmy Cheng (Immersive Content Distribution)

  • Kun-Ying Lin (Creative Director & Co-Founder, LuxuryLogico)
  • Tung-Yen Chou (Artistic Director, Very Theatre)
  • Ami Wu (Head of Interactive Dept., Moonshine Studio)
  • Jasmine Chou (General Manager, AMBISPACE ONE Co., Ltd.)
  • Grace Lee (Director of Content & Culture Technology, TAICCA) 
Venice Immersive Island (Lazzaretto Vecchio), Spazio Incontri Immersivo (Panel Area)