
Sensory Storytelling in XR

Hosted by SWISS FILMS, Cinéforom, GIFF Geneva International Film Festival, Immersive Arts Space at Zurich University of the Arts, Virtual Switzerland
01 September 2023 - 14:00 to 15:30
Venice Immersive Island, Spazio Incontri Immersivo
Accreditation pass holders and Venice Immersive subscription holders

Moderator: Laetitia Bochud (Director, Virtual Switzerland)

  • Christopher Salter (Director Immersive Art Space, Zurich University of the Arts)
  • Zoe Roellin (Director)
  • Patrick Muroni (Director)
  • Susana Panadés Diaz (Lead Dance Artist, Cie Gilles Jobin)


The panel “Sensory Storytelling in XR”  will see contributions by four Swiss XR professionals with backgrounds spanning from dance, to illustration, film and academia. Immersive narratives have the unique potential to integrate our senses. In virtual, spatial experiences, stories may unfold following viewers’ movements, gaze, or voice. Senses trigger various cues to weave personalized plots, giving a sense of co-creative agency to the experience’s participant. Discussing how sensory storytelling influences the creative process will be the focus of this panel discussion.


Venice Immersive Island (Lazzaretto Vecchio), Spazio Incontri Immersivo (Panel Area)